Terms of Service

QuantCard Service Terms

Terms of Service Use
Legal Use: Users commit to using QuantCard services solely for lawful purposes and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
Account Security: Users are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of their account, including passwords and other credentials, and are accountable for all activities conducted under their account.

Intellectual Property
Copyright Notice: QuantCard and its content (including but not limited to text, graphics, images, logos, and software) are the property of QuantCard and its licensors, protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.
User Content: Users are solely responsible for the content they upload, post, or otherwise transmit via QuantCard services. Users warrant they have all rights, licenses, and/or approvals to use and authorize QuantCard to use such content.

Service Changes, Suspension, and Termination
Service Adjustments: QuantCard reserves the right to modify or suspend the service (or any part thereof) at any time without liability to users or third parties.
Account Termination: QuantCard has the right to terminate or restrict a user’s account and ability to use the services if it reasonably believes the user has violated the service terms.

No Warranty: QuantCard services are provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis without any warranties of accuracy, reliability, or applicability of content.
Third-Party Services: QuantCard may provide links to third-party websites or services. QuantCard assumes no responsibility for the content or services provided by third parties.

Limitation of Liability
Liability Limitation: Under no circumstances shall QuantCard, its directors, employees, or agents be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages, even if QuantCard has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

User Indemnification Obligation: Users agree to indemnify and hold QuantCard, its directors, officers, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers harmless from any third-party claims, damages, liabilities, legal fees, and expenses arising from the user’s violation of the service terms or user-uploaded content.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
Governing Law: The service terms are governed by the laws of the country/region where QuantCard is registered and interpreted according to those laws.
Dispute Resolution: Any dispute arising from or related to the service terms or QuantCard services should first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, it shall be submitted to the courts of the jurisdiction where QuantCard is registered.

Data Processing and Privacy Protection
Data Processing Agreement: Using QuantCard services may involve the processing of personal data. QuantCard commits to complying with applicable data protection laws, protecting users’ personal information from unauthorized access and processing. Users consent to QuantCard processing personal data in accordance with its privacy policy.
Sensitive Information Handling: Users should avoid sending or storing sensitive information (such as social security numbers, information about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, health status, sexual life, or orientation) through QuantCard services. QuantCard is not liable for any loss or damage arising from the transmission or storage of such sensitive information by users.

Intellectual Property Protection and Licensing
User License: Users grant QuantCard a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit, and distribute any content uploaded or shared through QuantCard services, with the right to sublicense such content.
Anti-Infringement Policy: QuantCard respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects users to do the same. QuantCard will respond to clear copyright infringement notifications and appropriately deal with infringing content or accounts.

Advertisements and Promotions
Advertisements: QuantCard services may contain advertisements for QuantCard and/or third-party vendors and partners. The form and scope of these advertisements may change at any time. Users consent to receive such advertisements through QuantCard services or related communication methods.
Promotional Activities: QuantCard may occasionally conduct promotional activities subject to specific rules that may modify certain parts of these service terms. Participation in any such promotional activities indicates user agreement to the rules of the promotion.

Service Access and Interference
Prohibited Interference: Users agree not to interfere with or attempt to interfere with the proper working of QuantCard services or any activities conducted on the services, nor to bypass any measures QuantCard may use to prevent or restrict access to the services.
Automated Access: Users shall not use any robot, spider, other automatic devices, or manual processes to monitor or copy any part of QuantCard services without explicit permission from QuantCard.

Changes and Termination of Services
Service Changes: QuantCard reserves the right to modify, temporarily or permanently suspend the service (or any part thereof) at any time with or without notice. QuantCard is not liable to users or any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of the service.
User Feedback and Suggestions: QuantCard encourages user feedback, comments, and suggestions for improvements. Users agree that QuantCard may freely use, share, and commercialize feedback, comments, and suggestions without any obligation to compensate the user.

Modification of Service Terms
Terms Update: QuantCard reserves the right to modify these service terms at any time. We will notify users of any significant changes by posting the updated terms on the QuantCard website and/or by other means of notification. Continuing to use the service will be considered acceptance of these changes.

Entire Agreement
Agreement Integrity: These service terms constitute the entire agreement between the user and QuantCard regarding the use of the service, superseding and merging all prior proposals, agreements, and communications.

Contact Information
For any questions about the service terms, or to raise issues or complaints regarding the service terms, users can contact QuantCard at: admin@quantcard.com
These service terms are effective. QuantCard encourages users to regularly review the service terms to stay informed of their terms and conditions.